Introducing USoft Service Definer

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USoft Service Definer is a software tool for creating a runtime services platform.

Most importantly, in such a platform, you can create REST services that advertise data resources managed by a USoft application. These data resources can then be used across the internet by the outside world: agents can be allowed to retrieve resources, add new resources (such as bookings), or even manipulate or drop existing resources.


In a USoft services setting, resources are used by front-end and back-end applications. Front-end applications concentrate on letting human end users interact with data. They typically use JavaScript or a framework built on top of JavaScript to mix data and human interfaces (screens on devices). Back-end applications are any other type of software that need the resources.

See also

Introducing the USoft Services Platform

Technologies Used in USoft REST

Getting Started: Quick Walk-Through

Applications and connections


REST Services

SOAP Services