USoft authentication

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The USoft authentication scheme is based on Basic Authentication. Basic Authentication is a simple authentication scheme built into the HTTP protocol. The client sends HTTP requests with the Authorization header in following format:

Authorization: Basic credentials


where credentials is a base64-encoded string of the format:



USoft authentication is the default authentication scheme in Service Definer: it applies if nothing else is specified. The authentication moment is the moment when the Service Framework makes a connection to a Rules Service. By implication, if a service does not use a connection to a Rules Service, then credentials are not checked

If the Session expiration seconds field of the connection used to connect to the Rules Service has a value bigger than 0, then a session is created on the server side, and the client gets a Usoft authentication cookie in the response. With this cookie, the client can connect again and use the same server session.



collapseHow to explicitly specify USoft Authentication for a service



See also


Authentication matrix