Interface Events

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This section lists interface events for which behavior properties exist that allow actions to be defined. The actions are executed when the event occurs.

Interface events can lead to validation routines. For example, the Leave Field event leads to field validation if the field value was entered or changed.

Interface events occur in Query Mode as well as in Data Manipulation Mode. In addition, they occur with every transition BETWEEN Query Mode and Data Manipulation Mode.


The following interface event relates to buttons.

Interface Event

Occurs When

Click Button

A button is clicked using the mouse function key navigation followed by ENTER, or the button's Mnemonic key.



The following interface events relate to fields.

Interface Event

Occurs When

Enter Field

The input focus is placed on a field, using the mouse or function key navigation. This focus change may occur as a result of a window being opened, or the user switching between Query Mode and Data Manipulation Mode.

Leave Field

The input focus is moved from the field to another interface element using the mouse or function key navigation, or the field's window or the application is closed, or the user switches between Query Mode and Data Manipulation Mode while focus is on the field.



The following interface event relates to record lines on the screen, whether or not these lines currently contain data.

Interface Event

Occurs When

Enter Record

The input focus is placed on the record line, using the mouse or function key navigation. This focus change may occur as a result of a window being opened, or the user switching between Query Mode and Data Manipulation Mode.


Windows and Dialogs

The following interface events relate to windows and dialogs.

Interface Event

Occurs When

Close Window

A window or dialog is closed.

Open Window

A window or dialog is opened.



The following interface event relates to the application as a whole.

Interface Event

Occurs When

After SetUser

The user currently logged in is changed dynamically to another user.

After Usergroup Changed

The user currently logged in is changed dynamically to a user that is a member of another user group.

Open Application

The application is opened from the command line or via a utility such as USoft Binder.


Related Topics

Click Button Event

Enter Field Event

Leave Field Event

Enter Record Event

Close Window Event

Open Window Event

Open Application Event

After SetUser Event

After Usergroup Changed Event