Defining the Menu Structure Using the Catalog

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When you define a menu page, you specify the page itself, and the menu lines that present the options. Menu pages can also contain sub menu pages. Menu Pages are accessible from the Menus tab of the Web Designer Catalog. This catalog contains all the menu classes and subclasses associated with the project.


To define the menu structure:

1. In the Menus tab of the catalog, select the top level MenuPage class, and from the right-click menu, choose New. A new menu page subclass is created. Rename the new subclass to an appropriate name. This will be the top page of your menu and you refer to this page in the Authorizer if you wish to work with authorized menus.
2. Double-click the new menu page class. The class will be opened in the design area. If there are any pre-defined menu lines for this menu page, inherited from the subclass, these will also be listed.
3. In the design area, make sure that the Menu Page name is highlighted, and choose Menu Line or Menu Page (if you want to insert a submenu) from the Insert menu, depending upon your requirements. A new menu line or menu page will be inserted. Repeat this action as many times as required to complete the list of options for the Menu Page.


You can also drag and drop an existing menu class from the Catalog onto the menu name in the design area, and this will then be displayed as a submenu.


You can delete menu lines or menu pages inherited from the subclass, but which are not required for this menu page. To do this, choose Delete from the right mouse button when the menu option in question is highlighted. The menu line or page in question will remain in the list in the design area, but will be marked with a large red cross to denote that it is not used.

You can undo the delete action using the Undelete option from the right mouse button menu.

4. For each inserted Menu Line or Menu Page, call up the Property Inspector, using the right-click menu, and provide values for the properties in the Property Inspector's property list. Use the help in the bottom pane of the property Inspector for hints on setting the properties. You can also make local settings for menu lines inherited from a super class of the menu page. It is the menu line that points to a specific page. Specify the page name (or an external http-address) using the URI property. Alternatively you may leave the URI property empty and handle the navigation with java script. The Interface.js file provides the function setFrameURL(frameName, url) for this purpose.
5. Save your changes.