Web Publications

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A web publication is a collection of XML files, server pages (ASP or JSP), CSS files, XSL transformation sheets, JavaScript files, and images.

The publication process results in the following directory tree structure:

<Publication directory>


+ _internal


+ logs


+ WebSite

*.asp/*.jsp, global.asa

+ css


+ images


+ js


+ xml


+ menus

DefaultMenu.xml, Menu.xml

+ xsl


Published XML Files


The directory structure contaning a web publication includes:

· One XML file for each published page.


· One ASP or JSP file for each publication configuration, with the name of the publication configuration.


· A global.asa file.


· An uspublication.xml file.


· XSL transformation sheets:
· The CustApplet transformation sheet.


· The USApplet transformation sheet.


· Several other transformation sheets.
· Cascading style sheets (CSS):
· The CustStyle style sheet.


· The WRClasses style sheet.


· Several other style sheets.
· A default set of JavaScript files.


· A default set of images.


If a submodule of an application is published, <MODULE> subnodes will appear in the publication tree, (as shown in the illustration above) where <MODULE> is replaced by the name of the module that is being published.

If the main module is published, <MODULE> subnodes will not be created.

The meaning and use of these publication deliverables are explained in the following topics.

Related Topics:

Published XML Files

Published Server Pages (ASP or JSP Files)

Published global.asa File

Cascading Style Sheets

XSL Transformation Sheets