Introducing USoft Teamwork

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With USoft Teamwork, you can define and store specifications for a rules-based application in a structured way. You can connect these specifications to USoft implementations implemented by other modules of the USoft Definer IDE (= Integrated Development Environment), in such a way that the connections between specifications and implementations are properly traceable.

USoft Teamwork, then, serves as a basis for developments in the USoft Model and Rules module and the USoft Batch module:


USoft Teamwork is loosely coupled to the other modules. This gives you optimal flexibility:

The use of USoft Teamwork is optional.

You can have specifications in USoft Teamwork that are not actually implemented, and you can have implementations that are not actually specified in USoft Teamwork, or a mix of the two. Such "mismatches" are easily traced on both sides, but do not lead to errors.

USoft TeamWork :

Enables you to record design information with respect to the system being built.

Enables communication and decision-making during the iterative rapid application development, and maintenance processes.

Enables version control, by relating design, communication, and repository data to version registration.

Enables you to register the work to be done (assignments), and to monitor its progress.

Enables shopping (export and import) of repository objects, facilitating the re-use of existing objects.

Enables the registration of test needs for new or existing components.

Enables change-logging to support change management explicitly.

See Also:

URequire Studio

USoft Approach

Model-Based Application Development (MAD)